Link European Commission


The consortium grouped together for this project consists of 10 major energy-research institutions, represented and supervised by senior scientists and/or group heads (as requested in the call), well geographically distributed.

As to the expertise in overall energy issues and electricity provision of the different institutions, there can be little doubt. Some institutions are even 'national' laboratories, in part providing scientific input for their national energy policy. Other institutions (usually universities) have demonstrated to possess both wide and in-depth expertise.

In the consortium, a wide variety of domains of expertise is present, ranging from overall economic considerations, to energy efficiency & the electricity-demand side, over all kinds of generation technologies (going from fossil, nuclear, renewables etc) to system integration aspects and the regulatory and market framework. Both 'technologists' and 'modellers' are present, some paying more attention to energetic aspects, others focussing on the environmental aspects. The consortium consists of a mixture of scientists, engineers and economists.

  1. University of Leuven (KULeuven) Energy Institute, BE; W. D'haeseleer (coordinator)

    The University of Leuven Energy Institute is an inter-university consortium grouping together a variety of expertises, such as energy conversion (group lead by W. D'haeseleer), electric systems aspects (group lead by R. Belmans), environmental-economics aspects (group lead by S. Proost). The Energy Institute focuses mainly on interdisciplinary and system integration aspects of the energy issue. Three members of the Energy institute have been members of the Belgian AMPERE Commission (D'haeseleer, Proost, and Mertens from IMEC - PV experts). R. Belmans is presently president of the Belgian Transmission System Operator ELIA, and W. D'haeseleer is an active member of the Commission's Advisory Group on Energy (AGE) and its Strategic Working Group (S-WOG). Most of the work for the KULeuven will be done under the supervision of W. D'haeseleer; the electric and economic aspects, will be supervised by R. Belmans and S. Proost, respectively.

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  2. Inst. of Energy Economics and Rational Use of Energy, Universitaet Stuttgart (USTUTT), DE; A. Voss

    The Institute for Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy (IER) carries out research and teaching in the field of renewable energies, system analysis, technology assessment and energy economics. The institute currently employs about 60 staff members. The department Energy Economics and System Analysis (ESA) of IER has a broad experience in analysing energy-economy-environment linkages. Key areas of research work include life cycle assessment of energy technologies, energy and sustainable development, evaluation of strategies for reducing of greenhouse gas emissions, and the development and improvement of simulation and optimisation process engineering models. A. Voss is presently member of the Commission's Advisory Group on Energy (AGE) and Chairman of its Strategic Working Group (S-WOG).

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  3. Advanced Energy Systems Group, Helsinki University of Technology (HUT), FI; P. Lund

    Present systems research in the group related to the proposal include distributed energy generation systems modelling, energy storage and wind power, and ICT for DSM reserves. On policy side, market transformation and technology diffusion are topical themes. The group has contributed e.g. to the national action plan on renewable energy sources for the Kyoto targets (MTI) and done recently a hydrogen review for the National Technology Agency. P. Lund is presently Chairman of the Commission's Advisory Group on Energy (AGE) and is an active member of its Strategic Working Group (S-WOG).

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  4. E3M Lab , National Technical University of Athens (ICCS/NTUA), EL; P. Capros / N. Kouvaritakis

    E3M-Lab specialises in the field of energy systems analysis and economics, macroeconomics and environmental economics by using and developing large-scale mathematical models based on advanced techniques of Applied Econometrics, Operations Research and Computer-based Information Systems. This is the group behind the well known simulation code PRIMES.

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  5. Div. of Electricity & Lightning Research, Uppsala University (UU), SE; M. Leijon

    Research in this division is focused on industrial applications of Maxwell's electromagnetic equations and of other basic physical laws like Navier Stoke law in conventional and complementary electromagnetic systems for production of electric power and for energy storage systems. The scope of research and experimental development is directed to economical, environmental and ecological low impact energy conversion. M. Leyon is inventor of the 'powerformer'.

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  6. Associazione Italiana Economisti dell'Energia, (AIEE), IT; U. Farinelli / E. Curcio

    The work will be performed by Ugo Farinelli, under the umbrella, and with support of, the AIEE. Dr. Farinelli is presently a consultant in energy, environment and economy, with a particular interest in energy efficiency. He has been Director of the Energy Department of ENEA (the Italian National Commission on Energy, Environment and New Technology).

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  7. Imperial College Centre for Energy Policy and Technology, London (Imperial), UK; M. Leach / D. Anderson

    The ICCEPT was formed to study technologies and policies on energy and environment. It brings three long-standing strengths of Imperial College London to bear on modern energy and environmental problems: The science and technology of all aspects of energy production and use and pollution abatement; the analysis of the environmental impact of energy-related pollution on ecosystems and human health; and the economic, legal and institutional aspects of energy and environmental problems.

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  8. ECRIN, Paris (ECRIN), FR; C. Ngô

    ECRIN is a 100% daughter institute of the CEA. The CEA is the national laboratory of France for mainly Nuclear Energy, although activities on other carriers are pursued as well. The work will be performed by C. Ngô, Director General of ECRIN and Scientific Director at the High Commissioner's Office. Dr. Ngô has a well-recognised expertise not only on nuclear-energy aspects but also on the broader picture of environmental en economic impact of and on the global energy provision picture.

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  9. CIEMAT, Renewable Energy Department (CIEMAT), ES; R. Saez & H. Cabal

    CIEMAT is the major governmental energy-related laboratory in Spain. CIEMAT has as main objectives: to find solutions to improve the use of resources and energy generation systems, to develop alternative energy sources and to solve the problems of the Spanish companies regarding energy and its effects on the environment. The aims of the CIEMAT's Department involved (Socio-economic Studies of Energy and Environment) are to provide economic assessment of the costs and benefits associated with the production and consumption of energy produced by different fuel cycles, and to study possible strategies for promoting the introduction of cleaner energies into the market through their environmental and socio-economical implications.

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  10. Systems Analysis Department, Risø National Laboratory (Risoe), DK; H. Larsen

    The Systems Analysis Dept of 'Risoe', in active in research on the modelling of energy policy, with emphasis on the combination of environmentally friendly, but economic energy provision. Dr. Larsen is the director of the Systems Analysis Department, and is the author of the recently published Risoe Energy Report 1 on New and 'Emerging Technologies; Options for the Future'.

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To help guarantee that the views of the scientists are not too different from what real life shows, during the project, there was an intensive interaction with the electric industry, especially via its umbrella organisation, Eurelectric. Hereby, Eurelectric has act as a 'Special-Focus Industrial Advisor'. To hear the voice of other major stakeholders, a Consultative Committee, was established.

Members of the Consultative Committee
  • Alstom Power
  • BNFL
  • Bundesverband Braunkohle
  • Elia
  • Eurelectric
  • Eurogas
  • Foratom
  • NGT
  • Tractebel Engineering
  • UCTE
  • VGB

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